Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why Florida's Going Blue

When I was here two weeks ago knocking on doors and registering voters, people were still furious about what happened two years ago and were not playing around this time. They wouldn't just say they were registered, they would swear and cuss about having their votes stolen and how it wasn't going to happen again. One guy started pounding on our table and went into a full rant about W. My take: Florida's going blue. Again. Jeb's not going to be able to steal enough votes to change it either.

I met people from California, New York, California, Massachusettes, California, New Jersey, and, California who gave up a few days or a week of their lives or just took off from their jobs for two months to be part of this incredible effort. The work is hard and stressful and the air is absolutely electric. Like we're creating something much bigger than any of us or all of us. Like, an underdog team that does the impossible because they just believe that they can do it. And we believe. We believe we can make a difference. We believe we will make a difference.

Am taking 10 days off from work, flying in Saturday to Miami to do whatever is needed to save the planet. Can hardly wait!

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