Thursday, October 28, 2004

6 days to go

I heard about a group called "American Graffiti" that wants to project images of John Kerry on public buildings in Miami. I tried to hook them up with some "swing the state" folks from LA who knew people in Miami .....

Every day is a mob scene that is so huge you don't think it can possibly get any bigger, but new people keep coming from all over. More from California, more from New York, more from everywhere. Union people, community people, some can hit the ground running and some just are very quick studies. Everyone is flowing into their roles, understanding they have to teach the new people, even if they are new themselves. There is a common purpose. It is amazing what common focus and goals can do.

We split into satellite offices tomorrow. North, where I am, has the hugest area - 47000 households to be visited three times in the next six days. There will be hundreds of volunteers, hundreds of people, cars, food, water, literature, on the job training, etc. etc. all to be organized on the fly.

I don't have time to listen to news, but spirits here are strong, there is wonderful camaraderie and the focus is clear. A good sense of humor is also essential.

Didn't canvas today, did precinct walk lists and other essential but grind-out stuff. To see this come together is pretty amazing. Word from the field is very good, lots of positive responses. WHen you canvas, you try to find more leaders in your canvas group. They get trained on the job and then they do the same thing. We have to go from 10 to 100 leaders in 3 days. We will do it, somehow.

One of the Haitians told me that the new moon was a time for making your prayers and meditating, and that this was the most powerful time. Since there was a partial lunar eclipse tonight, I asked if the same principal worked for eclipses. He said he didn't know, but I decided this was true and meditated about the country electing John Kerry. The red sox won, so obviously it has already started to work. All the people from SF who were in the car getting pizza got out to admire the eclipse. I thought we should chant or something but nobdy but me was in favor of that. WHat would we chant? "Go Kerry, Go Kerry"? Very dull.

I got put in charge of vans. Now that is a guy job. Oh well.

Lunar eclipse, Boston swept the series. THese are good signs.

More tomorrow.

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