Saturday, October 30, 2004

4-3 days to go

Day 4 is over, so it's 3 days to go, actually.

We hear stories about Republicans trying to suppress the black vote in Miami. One of our volunteers taking a family to the polls saw the pubs challenging people in line. Some of them apparently are telling people they can vote on the internet, which of course is a lie. Their goal is to gum up the works and make the lines move so slowly that people will give up. In my book, they are criminals and liars.

These people are American Taliban. They do not believe in democracy, they want to supress popular voting, and they want to establish a theocracy where only they rule. The Republican Party has become like the Communist Party - with a sham of democracy hiding behind a veneer of choice, with intimidation, staged rallies with bused in supporters demonstrating in favor of fearless leader, no accountability. The party of Lincoln has become the party of George Wallace. Their time is over.

People will not be discouraged. People are waiting in line for hours because they are mad. There are Kerry signs everywhere. They are on lawns, in stores, in people's car windows, telephone poles. We went to a barbecue place today that had a Kerry sign on the outdoor counter. Yesterday the little Haitian restaurant had warning signs about people's votes being stolen. Tonight, we drove through a street demonstration with Salsa music and people dancing in the street with Kerry signs. Election protection is about to descend en masse in Miami.

Today the vans increase, the people increase, the enthusiasm increases. People who came for a buck return for the cause. People who didn't care come back so enthusiastic. One canvasser told me that people have been reminded to vote so many times they are thinking of hiding out!

This time we will not be denied. We are gonna win.

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