Monday, November 01, 2004

1 day to go, for real

Ever been tired and wired? Holy Mackeral.

We are so wrapped up in what is going on we have kind of lost any sense of excitement about the election. Since I don't contact voters directly, I don't get to feed off of their feelings. It's just grinding out my small part of this massive operation every day. If it's really crazy, then it must be Tuesday.

Tomorrow is 60 vans full of people, getting out the vote all day in massive successive waves. I don't care what part or committment you have in this operation, whether you volunteer like me or do it for the 50 bucks they pay the canvassers, there is still some kind of buzz in the air. We all know that in some small way we are all a part of history and we all have a part, however small, in changing it. It's 1 am now and our staff meeting is in six hours. I think I better sack out, but not before my nightly meditation on the election of our new prez. It definitely seems to be working.

I am working on my Creole, which is worse than anything you can imagine. At least rudiments of the old high school French is coming back, and I wish the Creole teams Bon Chance every day that they go out. They are just the world's most wonderful people, very kind, hardworking, proper. The ladies come in their fine hats and dresses and the gentlemen are lovely and polite. If I ever moved to Miami I would like to live in a Haitian neighborhood. THis has been a great thing about coming here for me, to get to know this community a little bit.

I think the Haitians will sometime soon eclipse the Cubans in political clout in Miami. THey didn't seem to realize how much clout they had, and maybe this election will help the community understand that there is power in numbers and organization.

I am getting to know my drivers very well. I am kind of strict, actually a bitch on wheels, and that is where my catholic school training is so helpful. I don't let anyone talk when I am talking and people have to be respectful to each other. No talking back and no bullshit. Everyone knows we are on the same page, and then things can run much better.

Never thought I would be a valet. Maybe this is a new career I should take up. We made a lovely key board for our van keys like you see in a hotel, and it works great. I swiped the board from the trash and got the office supplies from the Office Depot, which was kind enough to open up an hour early to let me in. Where there is a will there is a way.

Tomorow we crash around 8 p.m., except that then we have to clean up the place, pack up the place and find a place to watch the new president being elected. If we don't all fall asleep first, it will be very exciting.

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